inn helped me alot lah.. i dont even know how to fish and worst, my first try end up the whole weight and fishhooks flew all the way into the sea.. and i still have phobias bout catching live baits and instead catching one, i lets the baits jump out by itself!! hahaha
so nth bad happen not like the last gathering and im gratefull for tht!! we did lots of stuff like we all went for cycling and i wasted my energy cycling wif a very low bike, til i got the seat adjusted and frm there on, its a smooth ride...

haha see im being forced to do tht hair.. mcm jap sumo wrestler!! sape mau lwn!!?? hahaha the food was great and ppl there was on high spirits!! see pics below!

went home arnd 5 pluss and soon as reached home, i crashed!! tireed but fun!!! lets do this more often!!! thts allx)