yes!! i hate my hair.. i really dun want to go to school juz nw coz of this.. and the best part wen i enter class, everyone was like, u didnt cut ur hair, u look the same.. OMG!!! u know how depressed and lousy i am right now spotting this stupid hairstyle and i seriously prefer my long hair!! and tht bloody old man is a fucking, tengok kulit.. malays should know this..
had a squabble wif him after saying tht i didnt cut my hair to school regulation and hes kicking me out of school!! WTF U SOB! U ASKED ME TO CUT, I CUT MY HAIR AND LOOKING LIKE A PHATETIC LOSER AND U ASKING ME TO CUT SHORTER!!! BLODDY ASSHOLE! FUCK U AND UR COWARDNES, SPINELESS BASTARD!!sent to the section head office and hes one hell of a reasonable guy.. i showed him my last picture before i have this pathetic cut and he clearly understands and i respect him for tht.. i truely do..
asking me why i cant be like others.. I HAVE MY OWN STYLE AND PERSONALITY OKAY!! ppl may not like long hair and im clearly fine wif it and its not bothering anyone, not like if i swing it, the whole world will collapse! haizz!! pll and theeir pathetic excuses, always not desiring to see ppl happy for a moment!