so went to school early to meet zul and fyd coz she's holding our project work cozz we need pictures! haha thks fyd for the pictures and even pasting ssome on the booklet!! ure like our 8th member already sia!! haha so enter class dah kene sound by foo! haizz sat down quietly!
den after class he called a bunch of us until calling the course subject head to advice us.. deep inside i was juz finding a mistake by him for me to exploit coz im daam angry he called my mom down to settle this stupid problem.. it even angers my matrep bro who intends to come down and have a talk wif tht foo!! but cowards hide behind subject head! kentaljuboh! he asked me to sign the form which is for kicking me out of school! haizz rabak pe! i told him my mom sick but he like thinking im lying to him and he gave me till thursday for my mom to come and settle this shit if not im out of school! besar nye sial!
so school was fine after tht!! submitted our project and cher say we scored B for the project but he says we can aim for A! happy pe 70% of our marks dah ade!! haha den went to nasser class and did some test den after tht went to play soccer till 7 like tht! after tht went home and my aunt and uncle cam to visit plus those 2 annoying little cousins of mine! tk belh ddk diam punye bdk!! after they left, went to bed early!