haizz i thinking im gonna beg mommy for this! an opportunity tht cnnt be missed out! i juz knw(i abit slow luhh) tht muse concert this 3rd feb, there will be also SAOSIN AND RISE AGAINST!!! 2 of my fav bands.. its smtg tht worth begging for watching saosin and rise againts and also the main act MUSE!! SOOO MOMMY PLS PLS PLS IM BEGGING U!! gime me 100 buck now so i can buy the tix!! pls!!!
enough bout tht!! so yah during this hols, nth luhh except waking up reaal late and sleeping early in the morning! and woke up to play soccer.. thts bassically my life now! i wish school juz open.. but no sch doesnt mean i cant hang out wif my sch mates so on wed, went karaokeing!!
so yah woke up preety late coz of zul calling me saying today go karaoke.. okay lah since ryhan and fyd coming too! okay so reach there eaarly.. tot zul is there..after he came, went to play daytona and well( zul mati2 want me to write this) he won.. both races he won.. but all i can say is the first i screwed up and the second, he cheated! haizz.. fyd called me, toking like in fear ask us to fetch her frm the bustop.. she was clearly shaken frm this and i seriously dunno wat to do.. hmm so ask her to follow us in coz we are going to play daytona wen she called us.. so the three of us played and yah, zull mng lagi! hmm atlast, ryhan came and we can strt karaokeing!! 2 hrs!! best!
lagu sume baek nye!! tarik mcm nk mampos ade sei!! hee.. fyd voice like tweety bird, cute and soft and as usual the rock brothers start lagu farhana, end wif farhana!! haha its like habit already.. but all i can say its freaking fun!! serious nxt time invite more ppl whose not shy!! haha but i think this time, ryhan abit quiet.. maybe coz theres a girl.. hmm..pics!!
grp photo!!
ape nk jadi ngan kite!!
so after karaoke, went to have dinner.. nasi ayam penyet! and this happens.. the chili they gave was not spicy at all and ryhan decides to ask for more.. he ask for little bit and the auntie gave w whole bowl!! haha bahase kan nmpk cik!! haha so after tht lpk awhile, wait for zul bus and den me and ryhan walk to our bustop and i took bus home! thts all!! we should do this more often!! right fidi and zul and nxt time invite more ppl mcm farhana, nanti ade org tu nyanyi farhana suare tros the best.. tau2 lah sape!!
one more thing.. the reason im not blogging this past few days is ive found smtg to do late night till i forget to blogg!! the thing is called rappelz and its an online game, rpg and inn and hailmi and me been playing!! its fun! try it!