Thursday; lucky woke up to go to school to do the project.. epul keep calling me but im juz dead.. woke up and rush out of house wif consequences.. ltr part explain! okay so reached school, 1.5 hrs late and den wen i was juz abt to sit down and do the work, cher say class finish already.. haizz but lucky he takes my attendance.. so went to have lunch den wen abt to go final class, cher say class cancel den were lost.. tk tau nk uat pe! so epul, ryhan, zul and me went to grandlink, tot of playing pool but change of hearts, WERE GOING KARAOKE!! haha best pe?! sang alot of RnB and malay songs.. ryhan best uh, he defines karaoke, singing without caring bout ur voice!! baek den haha were dancing and jumping around!! haizz monyet terlepas.. after karaoke, went up tot of slacking but hakim all call me to meet them at street soccer court.o slack wif them and played some arm wrestle!! Ryhan lost to all three of us but win all of us individually! haizz so after tht left them and met hakim and the rest and played abit of soccer and den walked back home!! reach home and sleep!! yeah!
Friday; didnt sleep the whole morning!!! coz its hari raya aidiladha! wanted to see the sheeps being slaughtered! blood folowing, cries of desperation!! okay im getting abit sicko! so met amin, hakim, and fazullah.. so went to prayer and tot of seeing the sheep but they haven started it so went to slack at void deck awhile, toking den went back seeing the ssheeps being slaughtered! haizz kesian pe tu kambingz!! haha but if u pity it, u can eat it so yah i watch a few and went off in disgust!! haha im not afraid of the blood but juz cant stand the sight of sacrificial death!haha den went to coffee shop to have breakfast den went back to slack under blok to wait for friday prayers.. by the time im preety exhausted! haizz sleepy, wanna faint oso have! so after prayer, went home and sleep! woke up and went to granny's house! met all my cousins wow its been long! so yah and entertained the little dudes! haizz back breaking job.. im dead tired now and i need to finalise my songs coz tmrw jamming! haizz!