FIRST OFF!!!!MY BAND MIDLIFE PARODY IS HAVING OUR FIRST EVA GIG ON THE 27TH NOVEMBER @ODIOCRIB!!!! WOOT HAPPINESS!!!haha self advertising siols.. haha but its daam true.. the tickets and the time and date will be updated ltr.. so keep updating on this topic and pls do comedown and support us in our first gig... haha!!
spent my bloody friday the 13th wif those ppl!! woot and pluss leeza syaza fren.. so yah after sembahyang, followed amin to tp coz we have lots of time to kill and since there some carnival, why not and pluss tp chicks are hott so bleh cuci mate!!! lol siak punye prangai.. so bought 2 brownies form Amin's class and i didnt even get to taste it coz syaza and sbon finished it!! nvm its not my luck i guess.. den met wak sabon, syaza and her fren leeza at tamp mrt.. sad sabon cnnt come down tp coz too late.. haha so trained to bugis den proceed to the jamming studio..
today's jamming was full of surprises.. first of the musical department, screw up... seriously.. i kept forgetting the songs and one of hailmi's drumstick broke into 2!! cnnt believe it.. okay so we cock up but den, surprise performance by syaza.. tht girl really improves alot.. like seriously.. mcm kene stunn lah sia.. good job to syaza!!
things we do!!

so after jam, we parted our ways so hailmi and Amin went home first.. den the rest decides to slack at compass makan MEE SEGERA!! haha so took bus all the way, crap all the way and receives the news tht we are going to have a gig on the 29 nov!! happy kepe... lol tk sabar sei!! lol so yah met nurin at compass, ate MEE SEGERA, but i ate spaghetti segera lol.. so slacked there played cards and den joined by RFA and frens.. haha played bluff.. den after tht cabot home.. haizz!!