hahaha my bog is totally dead but nvm im trying my best to keep it alive... okay by tht ill juz update wat u have been missing lately..i have a new bunch of family call THE FULL EFFECTS. so amazing how we started frm facebook can become so close knitted and been lepaking wif them ever since... tfe, we are family, stay close aites!
and my band MIDLIFE PARODY! had another gig, at blackhole!!! woots!! fun its totally fun!! my best gig ever.. the crowd was the most awesome bunch of ppl and also sharing the stage wif rose from anonymity and fatal attraction.. haizz the feelings cannot be describe!! yeah!! midlife parody!!! woots! and we midlife parody is officially taking a break to work on our originals! yeah!
i have another new side project call THE FULL EFFECTS BAND! hahha created wif bunch of music loving tfe family and we had our first jam on the 23 march! hahahaha best and btw WE LOOKING OUT FOR A VOCALIST!!! so anyone intrested, pls pm me!
BTW im looking for bands who is intrested to perform this early april... if u know any band or u and ur band urselves intrested, pls pm me on fb! thks!!
and for those who dont know, I CUT MY HAIR SHORT LAH DEI!!!! HAHAHHAHA haizz seriously missing my long hair where i can be emo2 tk tentu psal! hahahaha
thts it i gues.. ive been missing my frens much! meet up okay! chai chian!